What makes a good coffee roaster? There are many factors that go into making a great roaster, from the beans they select to the roast they create. Let’s dig into it.
How to become a Coffee distributor in the USA ?
– Introduction –
The U.S. is the largest consumer of coffee in the world, with over 400 million cups consumed every day. If you are considering trying a new business. Why don’t you try coffee distribution, now is a better than never to do so. Americans are drinking more and more coffee, and the projection is keep rising. We will help you with few steps How to become a coffee distributor in the USA.
Difference between instant coffee and “real” coffee!
Instant coffee has become a staple in many homes, with consumers buying instant coffee (I.C.) more than ever before. But the question is: Is instant coffee real coffee? How different is it from ground coffee? And what goes into it?
Guide how to choose a wholesale coffee roaster ?
You have decided to take the plunge and start serving coffee at your business. Congratulations! Coffee is a great way to boost your business – it’s a delicious, energizing drink that people love. Now you have to figure out how to choose a wholesale coffee roaster. Let us see how we can assist you in your search.

Private label basics! Private label in coffee industry?
Label here and there…Have you heard of private label and you do not know exactly what it entails? Here you can find what is private label? How it applies in the coffee industry?
The ultimate Guidelines on how to import coffee to the USA?
Coffee consumption is up by 5% across the entire nation. All things considered, Americans drink more coffee than ever. If you want to take advantage on this trend and start to import coffee in the USA. This is a comprehensive Guidelines on how to import coffee to the USA?

The coffee industry and certifications. what are they?
Talks about direct trade and Certifications in the coffee industry have been prominent for quite some times now. This post is to know what the Certifications are in the coffee industry. How important they are? What are their benefits and how to become certified
Specialty coffee grade: How to know the difference? where to find it?
In the specialty coffee market, this is a question often ask? How can I tell if my coffee is specialty coffee? How do I know if my coffee is specialty coffee? We have talked about what is specialty coffee in a different post already. Basically, specialty coffee has zero defect or less than 5 defects per 12 ounces. Coupled with score, specialty coffee is graded from 80+ to 100. Accredited coffee cuppers or Q traders are the one who to give a score to the coffee beans. They are the ones who are supposed to roast the coffee, brew it and assign their score to each of the coffee’s attribute/profile (the acidity, body, flavor and aroma. )
Difference between specialty coffee and commercial coffee
Most big brand names sell commercial coffee. It is for the mass. Commercial coffee is usually roasted and packed in bulk. In the other hand, specialty coffee is usually roasted in small stores or factories, using traditional methods and technology, and is often sold where it has been roasted or online. Now depending if you get the beans greens or roasted there are many others factors to know the difference between specialty coffee and others coffee. For instance the region or origin of your coffee beans matters. The taste is all about the origin. Ethiopian coffee wont taste like Peruvian coffee. Climate, altitude and others growing conditions affect the taste as well. After the origin if you have different in beans in hand, the type of beans matter as well
Can you spot the “defects?

How to tell if your coffee is specialty coffee?
By all means, the best way to tell if your coffee is specialty grade is simply to ask to the seller (The origin, the grade, profil…). Sometimes it is possible to see the “Specialty Coffee Association of America” https://sca.coffee/ seal on the packaging but it is not guaranteed.
Most of the time Specialty coffee is more expensive than regular coffee as the coffee meets rigorous quality standards.
Furthermore, most coffee drinker think all coffee is bitter and acidic. No, no and no. With Specialty coffee you can be able to taste its flavor without adding sugar. It is true you are not expert cupper or Q grader ; but please do know that not all coffee are bitter. Good coffee has a rich and dense flavor, it is aromatic, full, slightly sweet and fragrant and delivers a long-lasting aftertaste. It should be consumed almost bitter as the addition of sugar does not allow to detect its degree of acidity and body.
Benefits of drinking “specialty ” Coffee:
We have to be clear here. Coffee itself have a lot of benefits. Now any specific benefits on drinking specialty over regular coffee need to be proven /studied.
“Some” human studies have confirmed few evidence-based health benefits: Coffee Can Improve Energy Levels; hence Can Drastically Improve Physical Performance as you have more energy. It says it ‘Can’ Help You Burn Fat, ‘May’ Lower Your Risk of Type II Diabetes
Another key benefits is that it appears to have protective effects on the Liver. Coffee Drinkers Have a Lower Risk of ‘some’ Types of Cancer. Coffee is The Biggest Source of Antioxidants in The Western Diet.
Where to find great specialty coffee?
It all depends. Are you looking for 1 pound. Consequently, google the nearest store who sell different specialty coffees. Personally, I suggest to try different origins, roast and grades till you find the one that your pallet likes.
If you are looking for half container to a container. Contact www.elna.store. Eventually we will be more than happy to give you details of specialty coffee we have and different origins.
We really hope you learn in this post. Being that you learn a little bit more about the difference between specialty coffee and others regular coffee. Balance again, let us know what is your favorite specialty coffee (origin, roast, profile)?

Different ways to recycle Used Coffee Grounds
Are you a coffee lover? Do you want to do your part helping on climate change? do you want to know creative ways to use coffee grounds? Well, you are not alone. Many people throw out their coffee grounds without even thinking of recycling them or reusing them in some way. So how can we use up all that unused coffee ground at home? Or how to recycle used coffee ground?

How is the impact of Exchange Rate Fluctuation on Coffee Producers?
Exchange rate fluctuation is a common occurrence in any country. With coffee exports, it can have an impact on the income of producers and may result in an overall decline in coffee production throughout the world.
The economic policies and international trade agreements make the exchange rate fluctuates, affecting many aspects of the economy https://www.nyse.com/index. A key question is how exchange rate fluctuations affect business and coffee producers specifically.